The family grows some more – After event report

It is technically not my news, but at the event this past weekend Mistress Silwa, who was my apprentice, took a second apprentice, Sir Ludvig af Eke, and there were quite a lot of the household line there, so we decided to take a picture of us. All three of my apprentices (former and present) were there, but Silwa was missing her first apprentice, Viscountess Ingrid, who had to cancel coming at the last minute.

The latest family shots then, from the line of Viscountess Helwig Ulfsdotter, OL, taken by Master Edricus:

From left to right:

Sir Ludvig, apprentice to Silwa.
Mistress Silwa was apprentice to Lia.
Duchessa Isabetta, apprentice to Helwig.
Mistress Lia was apprentice to Helwig.
Viscountess Helwig Ulfsdotter, the Duck herself.
Duke William was apprentice to Helwig.
Lady Cristina Stolte, apprentice to Lia.
Mistress Tece de Kaxtone was apprentice to Lia.

Missing from the family line down were Filippa, Aleydis, Agnes, Branna, Alfhild and Ingrid, but they were on our mind.

The event was An Irregular Event – Bread, Butter and Birthdays, and was inspired by “The Feasting Song” by Ken Theriot, and the feast was magnificent, expertly prepared for us by Baron Einar Helsingr.

I had not managed to make a garment bag for my ray cloth gown, so I opted to bring my roman (seen pictured) and Ottoman garb to the event. They take up very little space, and are both very comfortable.

After wearing my Ottoman outfit I realize that I had only put them away after Pennsic and forgotten that they were only sort of finished. I brough them to the US sewn, but with no closure, and affixed buttons and loops while there. I will be working on finishing them properly in the coming month I think. I also want to add more garments to the Ottoman wardrobe. It keeps me in the same time as my usual wardrobe, only in Istanbul, rather than the British Isles and France, which I kind of like.

I tried to get some pics of me in that outfit, but, I realized that much too late and I look like death warmed over. But they also do show me I need to work on my shift layer, the gömlek, to fit better with the neckline of my outer layers.

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